Thriving Leaders Circle

Fostering confident, capable leaders who are ready to move up and make a bigger impact.

It's been a wake-up call, right? The skills you need for leading others are entirely different from the skills that got you to this point in your career. It's easy (and not uncommon) to feel overwhelmed by it all.

You don't have to do this alone. In Thriving Leaders Circle, you'll get training on the exact topics that newer leaders struggle with. You'll get live coaching to help you navigate your specific challenges. And you'll grow in a community of Thrivers who believe in each other, encourage each other, and hold accountability for each other.

Thriving Leaders Circle is unlike anything you've ever seen, and it's designed specifically for you... an ambitious professional who is moving up the ladder into leadership.

Audience raising hands up while businessman is speaking in training at the office.

I believe that thriving teams are the key to stellar results. As a leadership coach, I draw out the true genius in my clients so they become more confident and capable leaders of their own powerful teams.


What Is Coaching?

Coaching is a partnership designed to help you gain clarity and move into action.  The process will energize you to make meaningful changes, so you can close the gaps between where you are and where you want to be in your work and in your life. It’s a powerful relationship that helps you get clear about how you want to show up in your most important roles. In between sessions, the true impact of coaching bears fruit as you take action toward your goals and deepen your connections. 

Coaching creates a ripple effect within your company as you amplify your leadership effectiveness


I have the honor and privilege to work with women and men who are smart, authentic and committed to their own growth. They recognize the power of their internal dialogue and are willing to take responsibility for it. They know that happiness is an inside job.

My clients are senior leaders who understand that emotional intelligence is the key difference between teams that thrive and those that flounder. And they are first-time managers who are stepping into the uncharted waters of leading people who were once their peers. My clients are entrepreneurs who know they have to overcome their own limiting beliefs in order to make their business a success. And they are individuals who want more peace and balance in their lives.

Having worked in produce marketing for 17 years, I now serve produce industry professionals as their coach. I do work with people from other fields, but my undying affection for the special individuals who grow, move and market the healthiest food on the planet, brings me back to the produce industry again and again.


"Wendy brings a kind, objective perspective to help tackle any issue that you may be dealing with. A lot of times during the session, we discovered issues that were lying beneath the surface and I was not aware of their impact. She provided me with a safe space to express myself, without fear of judgment."


"I was feeling 'stuck.' I needed some clarity and fresh ways to take my business to new places. Through coaching with Wendy, I dug deep and found the motivation and clarity within myself. I love that I can be completely open and have a safe place to look at the things that I need to work on in order to achieve the growth and success that I want. "

Mary B.

"I was needing to have conversations with my manager and other leaders in the company in order to determine future internal career opportunities. How I showed up and approached these conversations was really important, and Wendy helped me do that in a way that created the best possible outcome."

Jack L.

"Before working with Wendy, I felt aimless and didn’t know what I wanted next or how to get there. I can now articulate my goals and I have direction on what steps to take."

Cassie H.

"In every group or one-on-one session with Wendy, I found nuggets of valuable information and skills I could put into practice. She definitely has a knack for helping people discern what to bring forward in themselves."

Kimberly R.

What's Next?

CHEMISTRY CALL: This one-hour call is fun, free, and comes with no obligation. We'll find out if we're a good fit and all of your questions about coaching with me will be answered. Learn more about what happens during a chemistry call here.

VIRTUAL COFFEE DATE: Whether we're meeting for the first time or we've known each other for years, let's schedule a time to connect. Book a 20 to 30-minute virtual coffee date here.

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About Me, Wendy McManus, Leadership Coach
Coaching is a second act for me, a bold step into a new field and a giant leap out of the comfort and stability of a successful 30-year marketing career. I made my professional mark over the past 17 years in the produce industry, most recently leading the retail marketing team at the National Mango Board (NMB). In 2015, just as I was facing a challenging situation at the NMB, I met and began working with a coach. The experience transformed my leadership style, up-leveled my team’s results and changed my life forever. The coaching process was a fit for me like nothing else had been before. A spark of interest in coaching as a career has ignited into a burning passion to help others create meaningful change in their own lives. I'm now a full-time leadership coach and loving every minute of it.
Connect with me on LinkedIn.

About My Training
I am a Certified Professional Coactive Coach (CPCC) trained by the Coaches Training Institute (CTI). This highly respected organization has trained more than 55,000 coaches across the globe over the past 25 years in their rigorous, year-long program. More recently, I've been trained and mentored by Shirzad Chamine, author of Positive Intelligence, in the life-changing mental fitness framework. As a member of the trailblazing pilot group to test the certification program, I now hold certificate #7 as a Certified Positive Intelligence Coach (CPQC). During my path toward coaching mastery, I've completed more than 500 hours of training, and I've logged more than 800 hours of coaching. I have invested my time and resources in this education to ensure that I’m well versed in the specific skills that can help me to evoke transformation in my clients’ lives. I'm committed to learning, growing, and being the most effective coach I can be.

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