2020 Vision

The end of one year and the start of the next is always a great opportunity to pause and notice where we’ve been and where we’re going. As we head into 2020, we have the chance to usher in a new year and a new decade.

2020 represents symmetry and balance. It holds layers of meaning if we let it. No matter the condition of your actual eyesight, don’t pass up this opportunity to have 2020 vision. Slow down enough to look into your future and shape it to suit your desires. The impact is well worth the effort.

Download the document below. It’s a tool you can use to look ahead, build a vision for your year to come, connect with the energy of what’s possible, and set a course of action to make you absolutely unstoppable.

The process includes visualizing what you will be celebrating on December 31, 2020, connecting with the impact of making that vision a reality, and building a personalized plan to help you get there.

Maybe it would help to have a partner on this journey, someone to help you dial in your vision, get into action and hold accountability for your commitments. If you’re curious, please schedule a no-obligation Chemistry Call to learn more about how you can make your year ahead match your 2020 vision.

My friends, may your holiday season be filled with big, fun events and small moments of joy. May you find time to slow down, reflect and reconnect with who you really are at your core. And may your New Year fulfill your 2020 vision in every way.

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