Burn It!

I think I can safely say that 2020 has not worked out as any of us predicted it would. We started the year with a massive vision. It was a “2020 Vision”- how perfect! Unfortunately, we all now know the deep pain and loss that this year has delivered to our doors.  

As we slide into August, with even more uncertainty on the horizon, I want to offer a cleansing ritual of sorts. I encourage you to actually do this. Experiencing it for yourself is a million times more powerful than just thinking about it. I’ll be doing it this weekend and I promise to report back to you.  

I got this idea from one of my coaching clients. He was very much stuck in the energy of anger and resentment over what he lost because of the pandemic. He couldn’t see the new opportunities that were opening up for him and his family. During a recent session, as we were brainstorming ways for him to get un-stuck, he came up with the idea for this ritual. I’m sharing it now with his permission.


Write down what 2020 was supposed to be. Write down all of your plans, hopes, and aspirations. What trips got canceled? What personal goals got put on hold? What business objectives had to be shelved or re-tooled? Who and what have you lost? What’s been so frustrating and so hard that it’s made you want to scream, cry or run away? 

Write it all down.  

As you work through this process, don’t judge yourself. No one is watching. Consider how you would speak to your 5 year old self who was experiencing these losses. Be gentle. 

Now, go outside and (safely) set that piece of paper on fire. Seriously – burn it!

And as you burn it, bring your laser-focused attention to your physical experience of this moment. Notice your breath. Notice the details of what you can hear, see, and smell. Notice how your body feels as it goes through the motions required to burn that paper. Thoughts will creep in, but let them go and just keep noticing your physical experience of the moment. Don’t skip this part about slowing down and letting go of thoughts by focusing on the physical sensations. This step is actually activating the sage part of your brain and preparing you to create a powerful perspective shift.

Now feel the release of lighting up your 2020 plans. Notice the space that opens up by watching it go up in flames. And take a picture of that paper burning, so you can remind yourself of how it felt to do this. 

Now open your mind to the possibilities. What is being created in the space that’s left by all that was lost? Again, be gentle with yourself. Don’t compare yourself to those people on Instagram who renovated their homes or baked artisan sourdough bread during their 2020 isolation. 

Just know that in the space, something new is being created. Sit quietly and recognize what that something new is.  

Maybe an important relationship has grown deeper. Maybe your relationship with yourself has grown deeper. Maybe you’ve taken massive action on something that you were always too busy to do. Maybe you’ve been of service in a way that’s fulfilling. There are a million answers here and only you know what’s true for you.  

Listen to that quiet inner voice of your sage and know that every challenge can be converted into a gift and opportunity.

As a final step in this ritual, write down your new awareness. What is the gift and opportunity that’s been created during the 2020 pandemic? This knowledge will re-fuel you and help you carry on through the rest of this crazy year. You’ve got this. I believe in you. 

If you feel so inclined, post your “burn it” photo on social media and link back to this post so the people you care about can benefit from the ritual.

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