The Real Reason You’re Too Busy

I have a simple question for you:

“Who else on your team can take on the project you’re consumed by right now?”

Stop and think about it for a moment. Do you have an answer?

A while back, when I asked my client Grace* this question, she looked at me like I’d sprouted an extra head!

That’s when she realized how stuck she was.

Grace had been asked to work on a strategic plan that could be a huge opportunity to advance her career. Yet, rather than feel excited, she felt frustrated and overwhelmed. She told me, “I don’t know where I’m supposed to find the time!”

Which brings us to the focus of today’s email in my Leadership Reset series: developing a delegation mindset.

Grace’s problem wasn’t really a lack of time. It was a lack of delegation.

Grace had been handling the same initiatives for years—and because she knew them inside and out, she felt like she was the only one who could handle them. 

Even as she took on the new responsibilities of her management role, most of her former work stayed on her plate.

You might be thinking…Grace could probably do the work better and faster than anyone on her team.

Maybe you’re right.

But here’s what happened as a result…

  • Grace never had time to move up to higher-level strategic planning.
  • Her team never had the chance to learn new skills.

It was a lose-lose situation for both Grace and her team.

Getting Unstuck: A Delegation Mindset

It would be nice if delegating was as simple as driving to work or making a cup of coffee. But realistically, delegating takes a lot of intention and practice before it becomes a habit.

For most of us, the real challenge is shaking off the mindset that makes us believe it’s a good move to do the work ourselves. 

The first step to overcoming a mindset issue is to become aware of it. Start by asking yourself a simple question:

“What’s preventing me from delegating?”

Maybe it’s the same challenge Grace faced: it’s faster and easier to do the work yourself. As a result, you keep holding onto projects rather than giving your team opportunities to grow.

Or maybe it feels risky to hand off the work to someone else. Perhaps you worry that giving away responsibilities will reduce the value you provide to the team—or even make you seem replaceable.

If you can identify the fears or concerns that are keeping you stuck, you’ll be one step closer to developing a delegating mindset.

Empowering Through Delegation

Effective delegation is not the same as dumping work on your team. It’s creating opportunities for your teammates to grow their skills and experience—and it gives you the space you need to tackle higher-level work.

As you coach your team members into bigger roles, you create the capacity to grow into bigger roles of your own. Eventually, you begin to create a scenario where you are ready for the next promotion and someone on your team is ready to step into your shoes.

Delegation is how you uplevel your entire team, including yourself.

Putting It Into Practice

Make this the week you start strategically delegating! Identify at least two tasks or projects you can delegate to others. 

I recommend you follow these four guidelines to help you delegate successfully:

  1. Set clear expectations. Invest the time to organize and communicate the outcomes and timelines for each project before you hand it off.
  2. Encourage ownership. Leave room for your teammates to have as much agency as possible over how they complete the task or project. 
  3. Name the WIIFT. Communicate “What’s In It For Them” (WIIFT), which might be an opportunity to shine, a chance to learn a new skill, or a key role to support the team’s success. 
  4. Be patient. Don’t expect your teammates to do as well as you would, especially at first. Everyone has to start somewhere, and it will take time for them to learn!

Through every step of the process, check your mindset frequently and see what feelings and thoughts are coming up. You’ll probably be uncomfortable at first! If you’re like me, you might feel the urge to micromanage or take back control of the project at the first sign of trouble. Don’t do it!

This resistance is normal. It’s difficult for us to give up control of a project or outcome we really care about.

But instead of being controlling in the process, focus on the end growth and building trust with your team. Remember, delegation is not a short-term fix. It’s a long-term strategy!

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